Air Sanding - LogDoctors

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Air Sanding A Log Home

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Log Home Media Blasting

Over the past decade LogDoctors have found that we are prepping more and more log homes for staining with two techniques, chemical stripping and a new modern technique called Media Blasting, rather than with the more conventional high pressure water and astringent methods used in the past. Our results have shown us that log home media blasting is by far the best way to prepare all surfaces for staining.

Log Home Chemical Stripping
LogDoctors Chemical Stripping Services use environmental friendly solvents to remove the existing stains. Our Media Blasting Services use the impact of high velocity media to clean old stains, dirt and grime from the surface of your log or log sided home. When media blasting we use recycled crushed glass as our basic media. It has the same look and feel as sandbox sand.

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For Assistance: (865) 606-0586
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